Keepers of the Truth

This is a place where I will express myself in various ways. It is my hope that my views and art will create dialog which will be fun and informative. I'm always looking for insightful and constructive criticism.

Friday, November 03, 2006


Religion and politics

I read a news article about religion in politics which I shared with my pal Baldman . This is part of what I wrote to him. It is something I think should be more thought about. I talk about some of the hot issues of the day as elections loom close, but I feel these ideas can go to some of the other issues where morality is used as the main cause of why we can or can't do something.

The idea that religion is wrongly playing a part in politics is something which I feel should be addressed more. I think that we are quickly giving up our rights because others don't feel they are morally correct. If you don't think abortion is right, don't do it, but don't tell me I can't (I have the right to want to have a baby if I want to!). If I want to go and inhale secondhand smoke while I eat dinner I should be allowed. If I own a bowling alley and I want people to be able to smoke and drink while they play, I should be allowed to make that happen. Just because Governer Taft doesn't enjoy placing a fiver in a girls garter doesn't mean that he should stop others from doing it. If some church feels that their god doesn't approve of two girls getting married then let that church deal with it amongst themselves, why should it concern the government? We are starting down that road which will lead us toward a process where we'll be lead into a room to choose our ideas and told to press any button we want, but will only have one button to choose from. Often it is forgotten that one must take Jesus into their heart for salvation, just blindly saying or doing the "right" thing is not doing that. You can't force love any more than you can fool on omnicient being.


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