This is a place where I will express myself in various ways. It is my hope that my views and art will create dialog which will be fun and informative. I'm always looking for insightful and constructive criticism.
I wrote this to a friend of mine who's
blog I read. I open this up to you all as I know that many of you are religious and I would be interested in what you have to say on this subject as well.
I know on past blogs you have written greatly on religion. I have had an experience lately that I was hoping you might be able to bolg about and help me with. I had a young teenager come into my office on June 6th and tell me that the world was going to end and she was very upset. I had heard the whole 666 thing, but didn't konw it was connected to the end of the world as we know it (And I feel fine). She told me all the cunfusing and mostly inaccurate things she had heard from friends and read on MySpace. I did my best to calm her and we talked about religion. I was trying to be as religion neutral as possible as I don't believe we should influence others in those matters, but also to be as honest about them as possible (Only though truth shall we find enlightenment!).
The thing she had the most trouble with was the trinity. I tried to explain the whole one in the same idea and all that, but she kept saying that since it was God who created Jesus in Mary, Jesus could not therefor be God. I was not really sure how to explain it (I don't understand it myself. It all sounds so redneck when you get into it). Could you assist me with that?
Also, since the books of the New Testament were written by the Apostles, or attributed to them, does that mean that they wrote them, or did God? I realize that is a fine line of distinction, but one I feel needs to be drawn (This leads us to "Do we have free will").