This is a place where I will express myself in various ways. It is my hope that my views and art will create dialog which will be fun and informative. I'm always looking for insightful and constructive criticism.
My friend
Mommy posted a blog about why she is blogging. One thing that I realized about why I want to blog and don't relates to something a co-worker and I were talking about one time with art. He was saying that he stopped drawing because he couldn't let others see works that aren't perfect. I commented that I'm the same way with my writing. It's hard for me to post anything that I don't think completely says exactly what I want it to say. Thus, I have loads of blogs I've written in my head but yet have to come out to this site. I need to work on that. I know I'm not the next greatest writer of all time, but I've done some stuff I'm proud of and that I think others like. Who knows, maybe with a little practice I'll even get better. Self confidence. It's a hard thing to get.