Keepers of the Truth

This is a place where I will express myself in various ways. It is my hope that my views and art will create dialog which will be fun and informative. I'm always looking for insightful and constructive criticism.

Monday, June 04, 2007


Let the games begin

Ok, as I'm sure my readers know, I am expecting my first child next month. There are those who have asked if we have set up a lottery to see who can pick the right date for the birth. What I was thinking was that entries can be made for free, but anyone wishing to donate money to the cause I will match the donation (up to $5) and we will give all funds raised to
WorldVision. This is a charity I have learned about through my friends Mommy and Baldie. They are hosting a BBQ this weekend where I plan on helping and they are doing so to raise money for WorldVision.

So anyway, if you would like to take part in this fun game of when is the next little Grotto going to come, let me know. Also let me know if you would like to donate (Again, not necessary to participate and you may e-mail me privately about money transactions if you would like) so I can pass those funds along to the people who need them.

Oh, the official date picked by the doctor is July 14th. And since I'm making this game up, I'm going to pick July 1st and also July 13th. Have fun! We'll see who wins (No prizes will be given as all donations will be going to charity).

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Oh! But there are so very many factors!!! Does she go to an OB that likes to induce by the due date? Or one that prefers to wait it out? So many things! Never mind, I'll just pick July 18th (that was my dad's bday). Tell Mrs. Grotto I'm sorry, as I'm sure she's anxious to get the little one out! However, our first was induced after she was 2 weeks late. So, 4 days would not generate a whole ton of sympathy from me. Plus, then I'd win. :D I'll let you know of my donation as soon as I do it. :) Thanks for supporting WV!
Kerri: I think we are using the same Dr. that you used. Does that help?

I'll put you down for the 18th.
Really? Oh, I hope so. I love her. Then, the 18th is a safe bet.
I've got it. I'll donate an amount equal to the number of the date that Mrs. Grotto delivers. e.g., baby is born on the 10th, that's ten bucks. on the 30th? 30 bucks. So, tell Mrs. Grotto to keep her legs crossed. :D
Kerri: Mrs. Grotto is at that stage where she is ready to hit the eject button. She keeps saying that I'm going to have to start helping her induce soon. If I were you I'd make sure you have a good long talk with her when you see her on Sunday. Oh, and force her to spend lots of time with the little ones.
Dude, I don't try and force a 9 month pregnant woman to do anything. ;)
I'm so late to the game... I'm in for July 9th.
Kerri: We now have a date. I hope he didn't wait too long into the month for you. Call me so we can discuss more details. Oh, and the Dr. did not induce. Just goes to show that sometimes the Dr. is right about these things.
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