Keepers of the Truth
This is a place where I will express myself in various ways. It is my hope that my views and art will create dialog which will be fun and informative. I'm always looking for insightful and constructive criticism.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Thoughts on Blogger so far
Ok, I just thought I would post a few thoughts on my experiece with Blogger so far. I've been on for about a week, and I would have to say that overall there isn't a whole lot positive or negative about my experience. There are, however, some things I'd like to see improved.
First, I'd like for there to be some way to sign up for RSS feed or something that allows my readers to know when a comment or a follow up to a comment is made. I have seen this on Baldman's site so I assume it is something that WordPress allows. Guess it spoils me. As it stands, you have to check a blog every few moments if you want keep up to date on comment thread. Bummer.
Second, I wish there was a way to network here. Not that I have a real theme I can state which would draw readers, but I feel like I'm just posting to my few friends. Nothing wrong with that, I like having them here, but I would like to make new friends. I wish I was able to expand my readership somehow.
Third, I wish there was a way to edit comments. I found a typo in a comment once, but after it is posted it's stuck that way. I think I have one blog where I had to make three comments just to get one right. I'm not the world's best editor, but I do try and get things right when I see it.
That's all I have for now. Hey, for free, that's not a big list of wishes. Maybe I'll make the plunge and start paying for a site someday...
Monday, June 26, 2006
Rantz and armegeddon
I wrote this to a friend of mine who's
blog I read. I open this up to you all as I know that many of you are religious and I would be interested in what you have to say on this subject as well.
I know on past blogs you have written greatly on religion. I have had an experience lately that I was hoping you might be able to bolg about and help me with. I had a young teenager come into my office on June 6th and tell me that the world was going to end and she was very upset. I had heard the whole 666 thing, but didn't konw it was connected to the end of the world as we know it (And I feel fine). She told me all the cunfusing and mostly inaccurate things she had heard from friends and read on MySpace. I did my best to calm her and we talked about religion. I was trying to be as religion neutral as possible as I don't believe we should influence others in those matters, but also to be as honest about them as possible (Only though truth shall we find enlightenment!).
The thing she had the most trouble with was the trinity. I tried to explain the whole one in the same idea and all that, but she kept saying that since it was God who created Jesus in Mary, Jesus could not therefor be God. I was not really sure how to explain it (I don't understand it myself. It all sounds so redneck when you get into it). Could you assist me with that?
Also, since the books of the New Testament were written by the Apostles, or attributed to them, does that mean that they wrote them, or did God? I realize that is a fine line of distinction, but one I feel needs to be drawn (This leads us to "Do we have free will").
Friday, June 23, 2006
If You Give A Chinchilla A Pie
Here is a little something I wrote in the style of
Laura Numeroff It's still a little rough around the edges, but I'm hoping you can help me make it better.
If You Give A Chinchilla A Pie
When you give a chinchilla a pie he usually asks for some milk
When a Chinchilla has milk he usually needs a newspaper to read while he drinks it.
And if a chinchilla reads a newspaper he'll start to talk.
Talking will lead the chinchilla to waving his arms...
And that makes him spill his milk all over the floor.
So then the chinchilla will need a mop.
But chinchillas don't know how to use a mop, so he'll probably just dance around with it.
Then you will have to chase him out of the room because he's just making a bigger and bigger mess.
So the chinchilla will go into the other room and watch the game.
But cheering his team to victory always makes the chinchilla want a snack.
Because his team is winning the chinchilla will hurry back to the kitchen where you have just cleaned.
He will tell you that you did a good job.
And because he made you happy, you will give the chinchilla a pie.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
How strong am I?
Ok, today is one of the biggest days in the 2006 World Cup so far. Big matches being played by USA and others in their group to see who will advance to the next round and then Brasil plays a match just to show the world how pretty soccer can be (Since they have already clinched a spot in the next round and I think 1st in their group (I'd look it up but... well, read on)).
Let me explain. I'm an American (I'm sure that won't be a shock for most of you). According to popular belief, we are supposed to strongly support our home team/country no matter what. I have never bought into that. Part of the reason for that is because being the youngest kid in the neighborhood I always got to pick which team I was playing as after the older kids picked their teams. The older kids picked the home team and thus I was stuck picking someone else. In most pro sports that someone else was Pittsburgh because they were the best teams at that time (My thoughts, why pick a loser?). So I jumped on bandwagons. I'm proud to say I haven't fallen off the wagon yet (Well... I'm a little down on the Pirates, they are still my team, but I have adopted a new team who I really follow better (again, more on that later). One of the bandwagons I jumped on was Brasil. They were the ones that everyone watched back then. They were the team to beat. They had Pele! So when it comes to watching world soccer, my heart lies with Brasil. What a beautiful game they play. *Sigh*
Oh wait, I was making a point... Yes, American soccer. So now of course the USA is starting to work their way from being a country that everyone laughed at in the world of soccer to being something of a consistent challenger. I really don't like the style of soccer team USA plays. Too many long balls, not enough control, too much reliance on speed, not enough concentration on skill, too much physical, not enough grace. Because of this, I really don't like USA soccer. I don't think they deserve to do well until they learn to play the game better. Don't get me wrong, I know that most Europeans play the same style, but I'm a fan of the South American style.
This all leads up to today's matches. USA is getting ready to play for their life in the tournament. If they win AND Italy wins then they advance to the knockout round. So of course logic would tell you that I would be rooting for Ghana to beat the USA and Czech Rep. to beat Italy (For those of you who don't follow world soccer Brasil and Italy are pretty big rivals because Italy is tie for second (With Germany my second favorite team) only to Brasil for most cup titles). Well, logic would only be half right or maybe three-quarters right, but not totally. I think that I would really like to see Italy play Brasil. I think it would be fun to watch us beat up on them again. Currently the head to head matchups between the two countries rests at a 2-3-2 tie. I think that Brasil could easily finish off the Italians and thus taking one more step toward showing everyone that they are and always will be the best in the world. To do that I need Italy to get second in the group. So I do want Italy to lose today, but then I need the US to tie Ghana. I think Italy would move to second based on goal differential.
But here's the thing... I'm starting to let a little bit of pride take over. I wouldn't mind seeing the US do well. The better the US does in the cup the bigger the sport will become in the US and then there is a better chance we will become one of great nations of the world. The kids need heroes. I had Lexi Lawless (Still have his old goatee)... Ok, he wasn't really a hero as he took the pitch for the US when I was a little old for hero worship, but I did like him. So I don't know... Do I want them to win? I mean I still like the underdog of Ghana. They did really well when I watched them against Czech Rep. I could be happy either way with this game.
But here is the challenge I have with today. It has taken many hours to get this far in the post between other chores, but I'm trying to make it through the day without discovering the scores so I can watch when I get home. But THE SCORES ARE EVERYWHERE!!! When I go to Yahoo!, I see the box pop up with the scores. When I get in the truck to go home tonight I know the
2 Live Stews will be on and I enjoy listening to them (Even though one of them is on vacation and the brothers aren't as funny when they both aren't there). During the course of the ride home I'm sure I'll hear at least one update. Sure I could listen to some funk on the way home, but it just isn't the same. Not the mood I'm in today. I'll have to see how quick I am on the volume. Then I have to hope my beautiful wife doesn't say anything about the scores before she allows me to settle back with an import and watch me some footie. Oh, it'll be a challenge. It has been hard so far, but I'm up for it. I think I can make it. I hope I can do it. I think I can. I think I can.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Who are you? Who are you? I am a walrus...
So, I'm sure that you all want to know who I am. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Rantz (That is pronounced Ran tez' (I actually think the e should be a shawe (upside down e (Oh, have you noticed I talk paranthetically alot?)))) Grotto. My name is not an offshoot of rant as in rant and rave. I may rant, but that's not why I got my name. How did I get my name? I choose it, made it up actually. Always surprises me that other people have picked it as well, but I guess that just goes to show how hard it is to be original. When I made up the name I was around 12. I'm not 12 anymore. I didn't know that grotto was a real word. Alot of people don't. I discovered it was a real word several years later when I was reading the book, ET. I thought it was sort of neat. It also is cool that it could be a real last name.
"Which Rantz hit you over head?" asked the caveman.
Rubbing her head the rather comely, if not for the knot on her head, cavewoman replied, "It one in grotto,"
"Rantz Grotto?" said the caveman grabbing his bow and arrows. "I kill now!"
See it works. I like it. So yeah, that's my name.
Where do I live you ask? Well, I live out here in cyberland, in a grotto. I like it here. I spend alot of time out here in my little grotto. Course, that's why most people think I'm a little strange. I'm used to that. My wife says I got issues. I agree.
What else do you want to know? Like my business card says,
You got problems?
I got solutions
Just beware, I don't guarantee that you'll always like what I have to say.
Hi I'm Rantz Grotto.
This is a place where I, the power hungry man, will start his reign of terror.
This is the place where you, my faithful followers, will bow to me.
This is a place where everyone, except my enemies, will be comfortable.
This is a place where the gods, my fathers and mothers, will talk to me.
This is a place my enemies, those who can't see the light, will fear.
This is a place you, FOOL, have just entered.
This is a place I, Rantz Grotto, have created.
Oh and in case I forgot to mention it, have a good time and enjoy your stay! :)
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
November 2006
January 2007
March 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007